Keynote Speakers

Yanadet Sripanich
Topic: Pursuing Thailand CCS: A Challenging Role of Geophysicists
Yanadet Sripanich is a CCS Business Lead at PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited (PTTEP), where he is in charge of strategic planning and portfolio management for PTTEP’s decarbonization initiatives on Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS). Prior to his current role, Yanadet was an Energy Transition Lead tasked with spearheading PTTEP's transition into a lower-carbon future by means of pathways including Carbon Capture Utilization & Storage (CCUS) and Power-to-X (e.g., Hydrogen). As a geophysicist by training, Yanadet was also the Head of PTTEP’s seismic imaging section, where he led the establishment of PTTEP Seismic Processing Center (PSPC) and strengthened internal seismic imaging practice. Yanadet received his Ph.D. in Geological Sciences (Geophysics & Seismology) and two B.S. degrees in Geophysics and Mathematics from the University of Texas at Austin, USA. He also conducted postdoctoral research on seismic imaging at Utrecht University, Netherlands.